A Look Back at OneSky’s Impact in 2022

OneSky’s 2022 Impact Brief has just been published, providing a snapshot of a pivotal year for expanding the capacity and quality of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programs for vulnerable young children across Asia.

Thanks to the dedication of our staff, supporters, funders, and the OneSky board, we trained more than 7,500 caregivers in responsive care, impacting almost 50,000 children in China, Hong Kong SAR, Mongolia, and Vietnam.

In 2022 we also participated in several ECCE-themed conferences and were recognized by global organizations for our programs and impact. Meanwhile, we worked diligently with government and NGO partners to develop plans for vastly scaling our work this year.

Now, in 2023, our team is already implementing new initiatives, ensuring even more children — and the communities that support them — receive the crucial care they need to thrive. Stay tuned for more details on our latest programming efforts in future stories!

We hope you enjoy this latest brief on our impact and are pleased to share some key highlights from the report below. In 2022 we were proud to have:

  • Partnered with the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam to create the national guidance on childcare and agreed to design a pilot project to train, support and monitor childcare providers in five provinces over the next two years.
  • Agreed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in Mongolia to support the creation of new national guidance on childcare and, to design and test an alternative childcare model for children living in Ulaanbaatar’s ger districts.
  • Partnered with the Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation in Hong Kong to expand our services through a new Community Hub within the P. C. Lee OneSky Global Centre for Early Childhood Development.
  • Established a measurement, evaluation, and learning team (MEL) team and launched a digital platform to facilitate data sharing across the organization.
  • Featured in the World Bank and HundrED Technology for Teachers initiative on Adapting Teaching Professional Development Programs to Low-Resource Contexts.
  • Appointed Dr. Shanelle Bolton as OneSky’s Chief Program Officer.


To learn more about the impact OneSky is making on the lives of vulnerable young children across Asia, please visit: aws-test.onesky.org/impact