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Xiaoming: A Little Boy With Big Responsibilities

Xiaoming is a 5-year-old boy who is short for his age. When Xiaoming first joined OneSky’s preschool, he was timid: […]

Yutong, the Artist-5

Yutong’s parents did not come home for the New Year holiday. Nor did they come home for the spring harvest. […]

Anjing, Sunshine Girl – 7

When she arrived at the orphanage as a newborn, she was given the name Anjing (“Sunshine Girl”) even though she […]

A Holiday Tale from OneSky

  Once upon a time in China, on a chilly winter morning, a small bundle was left at the front […]

Anjing, Sunshine Girl-5

The day after Anjing’s reunion with her first nanny, she entered the institution’s preschool accompanied by her Chunhui China Care […]

A Village Teacher — “Everybody’s welcome in this classroom!”

Li Xiyan has been teaching in a OneSky preschool for more than a year during which she’s learned that education […]