Jenny’s Journal

The Rooster Has Crowed!!

To our many good friends who have been concerned about new legislation in China, effective January 1, 2017, that might […]

Orphanage Update

From time to time, as they hear stories about the work we’re doing to help left-behind babies and preschoolers in […]

Baby Steps in Vietnam – 1

In the spring of 2016, Vietnamese government officials and OneSky celebrated a landmark agreement to open a OneSky Early Learning […]

Why OneSky?

I started Half the Sky because I thought I saw a simple solution to the devastating consequences of children living […]

Children of the Villages-2

It’s been a momentous time for the babies, preschoolers, parents, and grandparents in OneSky’s village model in rural China.   […]

Children of the Villages-1

In rural China today, more than 9 million children of migrant workers are left behind in the care of grandparents […]

A Message from 300 B.C.

All the children who are held and loved will know how to love others… Spread these virtues in the world. […]

The World Shook-4

On a muddy, rock-strewn field, a huge white tent with arched, plastic windows stands on high ground above the fast-moving […]

The World Shook-3

Today we started wrapping up our orphanage relief efforts. With your help, we have purchased and delivered huge amounts of […]