Nomura: A Funder and Community Partner

In Vietnam, more than one million young children of migrant workers lack access to quality childcare and early education. It’s […]

Generali Volunteers Help Make the Gala a Success!

OneSky is proud to be one of the NGO partners of The Human Safety Net, Generali’s global movement of people […]

Bringing the Joy of the Lunar New Year to Vulnerable Children in China

The Chinese Lunar New Year is always filled with children’s expectations of new clothes, delicious food, red envelopes, firecrackers, play […]

For the Love of Family: How Huanbi Became a Loving Mom to Give Children a Place to Call Home

Back in 2007, a newspaper advertisement for a full-time foster mom working in OneSky’s Loving Families Program — which provides […]

From a shy baby to a confident little boy, Bao’s light shines bright   

When we first met 8-month-old Bao in Vietnam, he was shy and withdrawn, already suffering the effects of spending long […]

Help for Haohao: A Safe Place to Play in the Village

Haohao is a 3-year-old boy living in a rural village. His grandmother looks after him while Haohao’s parents work outside […]

Nga’s Long Career of Caring for Young Children in Vietnam

A child care provider for over 30 years, Dang Thi Nga believed that there was not much else to learn […]

Forever a loving caregiver: How an unexpected 56-year career impacted the lives of vulnerable children across China

Zhang Yuxia was just a teenager when she began working at a Children’s Welfare Institution (CWI) in eastern China in […]

Barclays Bank: Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Hong Kong

Thanks to our partnership with Barclays Bank (Barclays), the P. C. Lee OneSky Global Centre for Early Childhood Development in […]