Bringing the Joy of the Lunar New Year to Vulnerable Children in China

The Chinese Lunar New Year is always filled with children’s expectations of new clothes, delicious food, red envelopes, firecrackers, play […]

For the Love of Family: How Huanbi Became a Loving Mom to Give Children a Place to Call Home

Back in 2007, a newspaper advertisement for a full-time foster mom working in OneSky’s Loving Families Program — which provides […]

Forever a loving caregiver: How an unexpected 56-year career impacted the lives of vulnerable children across China

Zhang Yuxia was just a teenager when she began working at a Children’s Welfare Institution (CWI) in eastern China in […]

OneSky Hero Liat Browner: Sending Hand Knit Blankets to Children in China and Vietnam

Liat Browner believes there is nothing like a warm, cozy blanket to help make a vulnerable young child feel loved […]

Caring for the Children for 20 years – What Keeps Nanny Mo on the Job?

Her real name is Mo Lihua, but to the many children she has cared for she will always be “Nanny […]

OneSky Hero Eliza McGinley Wants All Children to Know they Matter

How time spent at OneSky’s China Care Home in Beijing in 2018 inspired this young woman to choose a career […]

Ruhai and Nanny Zhang

Ruhai: From Blank Slate to Happy Little Boy

In an orphanage in China, a 4-month-old baby boy named Ruhai was lying quietly in his crib, watched over by […]

Du Xiaorong

The Red Thread: Reuniting Xinxin and her “Mama Xiaorong”

When Du Xiaorong began working at OneSky as a caregiver nearly two decades ago, the children she lovingly looked after […]

Lili’s Story—On Coming Full Circle

When Lili was abandoned and sent to an orphanage as a baby 22 years ago, none of her devoted caregivers […]