Lili’s Story—On Coming Full Circle

When Lili was abandoned and sent to an orphanage as a baby 22 years ago, none of her devoted caregivers […]

Yimei, As She Sees It-4

With her heart surgery in Beijing behind her, her special eyeglasses to improve her eyesight weakened from congenital cataracts, and […]

Xiaoming: A Little Boy With Big Responsibilities

Xiaoming is a 5-year-old boy who is short for his age. When Xiaoming first joined OneSky’s preschool, he was timid: […]

Meet OneSky’s “Kids at Heart” Foster Parents!

Family mentor Zeng Feiling was skeptical when Huang Yasheng applied to be a stay-at-home dad for OneSky’s Loving Families Program. […]

On Turning 20….

Dear Aunties and Uncles, And I call you that because you – our supporters, whether donors or volunteers or both […]