Help for Haohao: A Safe Place to Play in the Village

Haohao is a 3-year-old boy living in a rural village. His grandmother looks after him while Haohao’s parents work outside […]

Tree Planting Day: Growing up takes lots of love and care

Nianci spent her first year with Mom and Dad who had left their rural home to find work in the […]

Zhenzhen plays with friends

Zhenzhen: A Little Girl Who No Longer Plays Alone

In a corner of the OneSky activity room in her rural village in China, 5-year-old Zhenzhen sat alone, quietly playing […]

A Holiday Tale

Not too long ago, on a dark wintry night, in a village somewhere in China, a little girl named Yihan […]

OneSky Family Mentor Ge Dongyan: “This Time You Can Make the Decision.”

Ge Dongyan works as a OneSky Family Mentor in a rural village in China. Below is her first-hand account of […]

Kaikai’s Overwhelmed Grandfather Gets Help

Kaikai’s grandfather, Li Zhigang, was doing the best he could, but his own health was deteriorating under the pressure of […]

Yimei, As She Sees It-4

With her heart surgery in Beijing behind her, her special eyeglasses to improve her eyesight weakened from congenital cataracts, and […]

Xiaoming: A Little Boy With Big Responsibilities

Xiaoming is a 5-year-old boy who is short for his age. When Xiaoming first joined OneSky’s preschool, he was timid: […]

Yutong, the Artist-5

Yutong’s parents did not come home for the New Year holiday. Nor did they come home for the spring harvest. […]