Children of the Villages – 3

Right after Chinese New Year, OneSky was at work in 30 more out-of-the-way, left-behind villages, launching programs for infants, preschoolers, […]

Yutong, the Artist-3

Right after Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), some of our Beijing team paid a special visit to a few of […]

Anjing, Sunshine Girl-1

One humid June evening in a small-town hospital, in southern China, a girl came into the world. This was supposed […]

Their Eyes Had Gone Dry-3

The Reggio Emilia Approach takes its name from a city in northern Italy. There, in the wake of World War […]

Ziyuan, Little Teacher

Ziyuan sits in front of her preschool class looking out at her classmates. She has volunteered to be a “little teacher” […]

Why My Heart Is Full-3

By the time our first four village programs celebrated the one-year mark, I could see progress everywhere. The preschoolers had […]

Why My Heart Is Full-2

I have seen bright new smiles on so many faces in the past few years. That still surprises me, because […]

Children of the Villages-2

It’s been a momentous time for the babies, preschoolers, parents, and grandparents in OneSky’s village model in rural China.   […]

Children of the Villages-1

In rural China today, more than 9 million children of migrant workers are left behind in the care of grandparents […]

Yutong, the Artist-2

When the new school year began last September, Yutong’s preschool teachers were beginning to wonder if convincing her mother to […]