Their Eyes Had Gone Dry-2

Nanny Du Xiurong watched from a doorway. Something altogether new was happening in the orphanage where she worked. OneSky’s Wen […]

A Message from 300 B.C.

All the children who are held and loved will know how to love others… Spread these virtues in the world. […]

Yutong, the Artist-1

Plenty of children’s lives have a less than perfect start. That’s, of course, why OneSky exists – to help turn […]

Their Eyes Had Gone Dry-1

In 2001, when OneSky established its programs at the orphanage in Chuzhou, Anhui Province, a young caregiver named Du Xiurong […]

Fossil – A Perfect Partnership

    What makes our partnership with Fossil extraordinary is that we share the goal of helping the world’s most […]

Why My Heart Is Full-1

Long before China’s economic boom and just as OneSky (then Half the Sky) was beginning its work in orphanages, a […]

Lost & Found-3

As the training progressed, trainers Li and Zhou watched the women carefully, both in class, and then during practice sessions,  […]