
Xiongmei’s Story: From OneSky-Trained Child Caregiver to Preschool Teacher

Nine years ago, Xiongmei visited a local welfare institution with a friend for the first time. It was a visit […]

OneSky Hero Liat Browner: Sending Hand Knit Blankets to Children in China and Vietnam

Liat Browner believes there is nothing like a warm, cozy blanket to help make a vulnerable young child feel loved […]

Caring for the Children for 20 years – What Keeps Nanny Mo on the Job?

Her real name is Mo Lihua, but to the many children she has cared for she will always be “Nanny […]

Lili’s Story—On Coming Full Circle

When Lili was abandoned and sent to an orphanage as a baby 22 years ago, none of her devoted caregivers […]

I Still Believe in Love

Sometimes children are relinquished to the care of the social welfare institution at a later age. In our Youth Services […]