Terms of Service

rev. 8/2020

As a visitor to OneSky’s website and sponsorship portal (collectively referred to as “Services”), you accept the following conditions. We urge all users to carefully read our Terms of Service (“Terms”) and Privacy policies.

OneSky offers its information on the internet essentially for the benefit of individuals interested in its efforts to uphold its mission to protect and promote the well-being of children and to foster human development.

The content of the OneSky website is selected on the basis of OneSky’s own criteria and at its own sole discretion. To the maximum extent permitted by law, OneSky excludes all liability for all content appearing on its site and makes no representations or warranties in respect of that content.

OneSky reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the OneSky website, including but not limited to these terms of service, hours of availability and equipment needed for use.

Copyright and Ownership

OneSky reserves all copyrights on material on its web pages, including photographs and graphic designs. All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, video and audio-video clips, sound recordings is the property of OneSky or its content suppliers and protected by United States and international copyright laws. In the case of some content, OneSky has acquired the right to reproduce the content.

The use of OneSky internet material for any purpose, including repackaging in hard copy or compilation for a CD or any other electronic media, is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained. The unauthorized use of the OneSky name and logo is against international law and is expressly forbidden.

Any use for a purpose other than for personal or educational purposes requires the express prior written permission of OneSky. If you wish to mirror, reproduce, republish or translate any of the information for wider dissemination, please contact us with your request.

General User Conduct

You understand that the Services are for personal use and educational purposes only. You also agree not to use the Services to:

  • Harvest or collect the information of other users of the Services for the purpose of data mining, sending unsolicited emails or other unsolicited communications;
  • Use the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, or overburden the website;
  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell any portion of the Services for any purpose without the written permission of OneSky;
  • Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent yourself, your age, or your affiliation with any person or entity;
  • Engage in any activity that interferes with applicable laws.


Children under 13 are not allowed to sign up for our sponsorship portal (for more information see “Privacy,”) and we strongly recommend that minors 13 years of age or older ask their parents for permission before sending any information to anyone over the internet.

External Content

Hyperlinks that connect to other websites, resources and content may sometimes be posted within our Services. OneSky has no control over any content that is not provided directly by us. OneSky accepts no responsibility or liability in respect to the conduct of any user in connection with such third party websites.

Your Account

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password to access your sponsorship portal. If you become aware of any unauthorized use, please contact OneSky immediately at contact@aws-test.onesky.org.

Terms Updates/Revisions

We are continually improving and adding to the features and functionality of our Services, and as a result, we may need to update or revise these Terms. We reserve the right to update or revise these Terms at any time, without prior notice. If there is a discrepancy between Terms anywhere on our Services, the most recently updated Terms will take precedence. Your continued use of our Services indicates that you accept those changes. We have updated the policy effective date at the top of this page. You may access the current version of these Terms of Service at any time by clicking the link marked “Terms” at the bottom of each page.

Not for Profit Status

OneSky has registered charitable status in the United States and is registered as an institution for general benefit (ANBI) in the Netherlands (tax ID 823831796).  Half the Sky Foundation (USA) Beijing Representative Office, OneSky Foundation Limited, OneSky Foundation (UK) Limited, OneSky Foundation (Canada) Inc. OneSky Mongolia Representative Office are all separate, affiliated entities that have legal registered status in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Canada and Mongolia respectively.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Service.


E-mail: contact@aws-test.onesky.org
Phone: +1.510.525.3377
Fax: +1.510.525.3611
1832 Second Street, Suite K, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA

Copyright © 2008-2023 OneSky