Experience Richard Bowen’s iconic “mei mei” portraits

Over 20 years after the photos were captured, these iconic portraits are now on display at

The SPACE Art Gallery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 1 – March 31, 2022.

As a co-founder of Half the Sky (now OneSky for all children), photographer Richard Bowen had the unique opportunity to document many of the unforgettable children he met while working in China’s state-run welfare institutions in the early 2000s. Richard’s resulting portraits in the mei mei series capture the children’s inner lives and unique personalities, offering them a chance to tell their story to the world.

From anywhere in the world, you can take a virtual tour of the show and purchase Richard’s limited edition mei mei prints.

All sales proceeds directly support OneSky.

If you’re in the greater Philadelphia area, we hope you’ll stop by the

OneSky Open House with our CEO Morgan Lance on

March 12, 2022 from 11a.m. – 3p.m. at

The SPACE Art Gallery
749 S 8th St, Philadelphia, PA.
View the “Gallery Guide”.

Please contact donate@aws-test.onesky.org for more information.

All sales proceeds directly support OneSky.